Australia has no Unikrns; BetCoin Poker dies; XWIN $1m pre-ICO

Three tales of a cryptocurrency nature that see Unikrn leaving the Australian market, BetCoin Poker dying on Christmas Day, and XWIN CryptoBet raising $1m in a pre-ICO on their way to world domination.

Try explaining to a 14-month-old that Unicorns don’t exist. They look at you with this dead dolphin of an eye, and say, “Unicorn,” while pointing at the TV showing the annual Christmas rerun of The Little Unicorn.

It’s even more complicated in Australia.

A week after the esports sports betting outfit, Unikrn, told customers that things would have to change after losing their Luxbet license, things have become clearer. In a pre-Christmas turkey statement, Unikrn, announced plans to leave their covet Australian market.