Becky’s Affiliated: How casinos can use NFC & Beacon technology to deliver gamified targeted incentives

When I think of NFC technology, I think my office key fob or tapping my credit card on a card machine to pay for something worth £20 or less.  NFC and also Beacon technology have been around for a while now and many of us take advantage of it in everyday life, even if we aren’t aware of it.

NFC and Beacon technology have clear benefits for the gambling industry, especially when it comes to land based casinos and their mobile apps.  The technology enables patrons to receive offers on their mobiles for casino games, online and offline and also for shops, restaurants, clubs, etc, from within the property.

Tapcentive, one of the GiGse 2015 Start-Up Launchpad finalists, is a mobile engagement platform company that bridges the physical and digital worlds by using both NFC and Beacon technology.  I spoke with the company’s CEO Dave Wentker to find out how his company’s innovative technology can deliver gamified targeted incentives to patrons and why this is such an effective engagement tool for casinos.

Becky Liggero: Thank you so much for joining me today, Dave.  Lets start with how NFC and Beacons have changed the mobile marketing landscape and what the difference is between the two technologies?