Becky’s Affiliated: Top 10 most viewed interviews of 2016

Over the course of 2016, I have personally conducted over 140 stand-alone interviews and this number does not include the interviews conducted by my Asia-based counterpart, Stephanie Raquel.  Assuming our number combined is over 200, that’s a lot of interviews to dish out in one year and before we hit 2017, I’d like to highlight the top ten most viewed interviews out of our 2016 200.

10: Jonas Odman on Recreational Poker Model

In this interview released right at the start of 2016, I spoke with Jonas Odman, the godfather of the recreational poker model.  Odman described his journey from debuting the recreational model in 2009, touching on its developments from then until the present.  He went on to explain what markets are still ripe for online poker growth and emphasized his desire to hire new talent into his online poker universe.

9: Per Eriksson on NetEnt’s continued growth