Bitcoin SV is a utility platform and does not need casino-style crypto only exchanges

There is so much confusion out there about what Bitcoin SV is. Yes, most by now understand that it is the original Bitcoin following the original design, protocol and vision of Satoshi Nakamoto based on the white paper and other sources. Most everyone smart also by now agrees that Craig Wright is the inventor of Bitcoin.

However, the distraction caused by the endless trolling and cyberbullying of Craig and his legal efforts to stop them are not what is important. What is important is to understand the different between Bitcoin SV and all other copycat platforms and why they are all so scared of Bitcoin SV.

Binance and a cartel of these altcoin-dependent exchanges just launched a delist attack on Bitcoin SV under the guise of it being about Dr Craig Wright. I am sure the young and inexperienced leaders of Binance and the cartel think this is smart. It is not.

They are right that Bitcoin SV is an existential threat for them all. Bitcoin SV is designed to be the “power everything” platform, and can scale to do everything that all other blockchain and DLT project claim to do and far far more. It can power Internet of Things Dr Craig Wright’s greater vision of the Metanet, where Bitcoin SV subsumes and powers the entire Internet and monetizing all data.