Finding a work life balance when working from home

Achieving the perfect work-life balance when working from home has become a quest for many, judging by the amount of posts on Linkedin. From dealing with Japanese murder hornets to the subjecting yourself to watching early morning rugby league games, finding that work-life home balance has become the punchline for 2020. The new normal of work and play all under one roof has seen the line between work and home become increasingly blurred.

The lack of a travel routine and time with work colleagues has seen many struggle to separate work commitments from home life. While many of use to joke about the idea of working in our pyjamas, many have been questioning is this really a good thing?

While the reality is that most of us will be stuck in some type of work from home arrangement for some time yet, developing a healthy work-life balance is essential in helping you avoid burning out.

With some practice developing some healthy habits can take the stress out of working from home and give you back that much needed family time.