Full Flush Poker players fear the worst as site goes offline

Speculation is mounting regarding the fate of Full Flush Poker, the flagship site of the Equity Poker Network.

On Friday, Full Flush players reported the site had gone offline without warning. Tech support told players that the outage was the result of a glitchy software update, yet as of Monday, the Fullflushpoker.com and Equitypokernetwork.com domains remain offline.

On Monday, Full Flush’s official social media feeds issued an ‘important notice,” saying that the site was “in the process of updating our gaming solutions to offer a new, more exciting platform.” The notice promised to offer “updates on this change each day,” while apologizing for “any inconveniences we have caused during this period.”

Full Flush’s official Facebook page has been peppered with requests from players seeking reassurance regarding the safety of their deposits, and the page has replied that “all balances are safe. It is guaranteed.”