Gazebo or pavilion? Conceptual plans of Hutchinson Square look at trees, features and parking

Elements of concept 1 are as follows:Retain live oaks; Add oaks/oak alley; Retain Doty Avenue magnolias; Doty Road diet; No right turn onto W. Richardson; Landscaped median; Sculputre walk; Native plants; Retain Christmas holly; Gazebo feature; Relocate mast arm; Upgraded lightin in park; Elements of concept 2 are as follows:Retain live oaks; Add oaks/oak alley; Doty Road diet; Keep parallel spots on Main; Rework Little Main parking; Landscaped median; Native plants; Main Street vegetation; Retain Christmas holly; Pavilion; Mast arm relocated; Upgraded lighting in park and on Little MainMonica Kreber/Journal Scene Two conceptual plans have been developed for the Hutchinson Square revitalization project; one involves a gazebo, one involves a pavilion, and both involve losing parking spots around the square.