Leveraging Blockchain Technology for fantasy sports

This is a guest contribution by Manoj Trivedi. If you would like to submit a contribution please contact Bill Beatty for submission details. Thank you.

On hearing the word Blockchain, a lot of possibilities enter one’s mind. ICOs, cryptocurrencies, smart contracts, SegWit and what not! The penetration of Blockchain in the technology world has exceeded to next level and is increasing day by day with new industries adding up to the ecosystem. Making this even more interesting is the implementation of blockchain technology for fantasy sports industry.

About fantasy sports

Not a very old name in the list of rising industries, fantasy sports encapsulates the idea of people participating and winning money via online sports. The concept is to create virtual teams consisting of players as per the choice of the participant and once these teams are created and are ready to play, the scores of players are determined according to their performance in the real time game.