Medialive Casino wants to clear the air re Italian arrests

Malta-licensed live casino technology outfit Medialive Casino Ltd wants everyone to know that they’re not connected with Italy’s criminal underworld, they just forgot to pay their taxes.

Last November, Italian authorities announced a crackdown on a network of retail betting shops offering illegal online wagering via computer terminals connected to Malta-based online gambling sites. Among those arrested in the ‘Double Jack’ operation were two Medialive directors, Massimiliano Fullin and Fabio Veglianetti.

Ever since reported on these events, we have been deluged with requests, demands and the occasional threat of legal action from Medialive reps trying to get us to take the articles offline.

Medialive’s commercial director Rob Wheeler went as far as to call the articles “a complete fabrication” and called this writer “a complete story teller,” while vowing to “file a lawsuit and sue you” if the articles weren’t retracted.