#1 The Devil’s Game

All of the numbers on a roulette wheel add up to 666, hence why roulette is referred to as “The Devil’s Game.” Well, after all the money we’ve lost on roulette wheels, at least that’s what we call it.

via http://www.gamblingstrategy.net/

#4 Gambling addictis

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Approximately 5% of people who gamble will become gambling addicts. For your information, a gambling addict is defined as a person who spends money irresponsibly which impacts both themselves and the people around them.

via http://www.choosehelp.com/

#6 Slots jackpot

The largest slots jackpot in Las Vegas history was $39,713,982.25. However, it’s also worth noting that most Vegas machines only give a daily payout of $108.36, so don’t hold your breath on being the lucky winner when the jackpot starts to get up there!

via http://calvinayre.com/


To view the original source: http://www.mostviralfeed.com/insane-facts-about-gambling