PKR founder Jez San punts on blockchain-based casino

Jez San, the man behind online poker site, is turning to blockchain to add transparency to gambling.

A familiar face and name in the online gambling industry, San is known for developing blockbuster video games, creating the world’s first 3D graphics chip with Nintendo, earning the first OBE in the video game industry, and founding PKR.

This time, the self-taught computer programming is rolling out a project called Funfair, which “aims to put online gambling” onto bitcoin’s underlying technology, the blockchain. In an interview with El Reg, San said the project uses “smart contracts” contained within the Ethereum blockchain “to ensure players’ money paid in during a game is held separately from stakes won by the house.”

“Using our tech—we think it’s a selling point, we can have a fairer game—it absolutely can’t cheat,” San said, according to The Register report.