Poker on Screen: Pro-Am Poker Equalizer (2007)

Each week, we look into an example of how poker has been brought to the small screen or silver screen. While this ranges from the hackneyed scene that has been crowbarred into a movie to give it some glamour to television shows that are centred around the game it’s a labour of love.

Poker brought to life on screen is one of the brightest aspects the game played regularly by hundreds of millions of people every week can be viewed in.

It’s easy to see why the Pro-Am Poker Equalizer show was a slam dunk for television executives when it was made and released in 2007. The idea was simple but engaging; four professional poker players and two celebrities take each other on at a six-max table, with  the pros being given only half the chip-stack of the celebrities in question.

Here’s the first episode of the only series of Pro-Am Poker Equalizer: