Relay announces new Relay One payment system for merchants

Businesses looking for an easy payment solution for their website have a new powerful option, with support for Bitcoin SV (BSV) baked in. Relay, the developers of the RelayX BSV superwallet, have announced their new payment solution, Relay One.

The announcement was made on May 9 in a Medium post. The new service is advertised as a “a simple button for online e-commerce, platforms, and independent sites.” It also features the ability for online merchants to accent local payments.

The new Relay One system will allow merchants to receive funds directly to their RelayX superwallet. Relay specifically worked on this new app as a way to broaden the options available to merchants. They wrote:

“Our long term vision is to empower everyone in the world to participate in the real-time global economy and a large step towards that is providing a method for merchants to open their stores to the world and for content creators to build a direct relationship with their audience.”