Tabcorp takes public potshot at Tatts’ new UBET betting brand

Australian betting operator Tabcorp has taken a public potshot at rival Tatts Group’s new betting brand UBET.

Tatts launched the UBET brand late last month to amalgamate its Tattsbet, TAB and Tote brands under a single banner. To celebrate the launch of its new website, UBET had its official coming out party at a bash in Sydney.

Sidney is Tabcorp’s backyard, while Tatts is based in Brisbane, so there was always just the teensiest chance that Tabcorp might feel they were being deliberately provoked.

Skip ahead a few weeks and Tabcorp places a half-page ad in a national newspaper to promote its online betting site. More than half the ad (pictured) was given to type proclaiming: ‘I’ll see you down the UBET’ said no one ever. Message delivered, the ad proceeds to list Tabcorp’s many and varied attributes, including its longevity and an “easy” mobile betting app.