US military personnel charged gambling and escorts to gov’t credit cards

What happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas, unless you’re a Pentagon employee using a government credit card to gamble and hire prostitutes.

On Wednesday, Politico reported that a Defense Department audit had flagged numerous instances of civilian and military personnel using government credit cards to gamble in Las Vegas and Atlantic City. The audit also found charges related to “other adult activities” but, sadly, a Pentagon official declined to offer specifics.

The Pentagon is attempting to keep the outrage machine in low gear by pointing out that John Q. Taxpayer isn’t necessarily on the hook for this debauchery on the government dime. Government-issued credit cards require staffers to pay the bills themselves and then file for reimbursement. The Pentagon theorized that many of the offending personnel might have used the gov’t cards to keep the charges from appearing on their personal credit card statement.

The audit isn’t expected to produce a list of names for public shaming but the individuals who engaged in this petty subterfuge will get a stern talking-to. Their respective agencies will also remind staff of the illegality of certain credit card activities and the pitfalls of bad public relations.