Watson, Bonomo & Polk air opinions on Bicknell-Foxen soft play accusations

After numerous quarters of the poker community alleged that Alex Foxen and Kristen Bicknell soft-played when three-handed versus Kahle Burns in a $5,000 Venetian event, Michael Watson, Justin Bonomo and Doug Polk come forward with their points of view in an important discussion.

12-years ago, a research team overseen by Dr Gemma Calvert, a neuroimaging expert who throws her coat on a hanger in the University of Warwick, and is the founder of neuroscience in Oxford, began putting smokers into a fMRI machine.

The research team, formed by branding expert Martin Lindstrom, wanted to see if the brain could explain why, despite a worldwide assault on cigarette smoking from every conceivable angle, global consumers still stuck 5,763 billion cancer sticks into their mouths.

It’s estimated that a third of males across the planet smoke, despite nine million people dying of smoking-related illness and disease every year, more than war, terrorism and murder combined.